标签:ICF核心能力模型,辅导教练,督导教练,Mentor Coaching,Coaching Supervision,教练认证,ICF认证,教练发展,群智企业教练,教练培训
就在刚刚,ICF 最新发布辅导教练(Mentor Coaching)和督导教练(Coaching Supervision)的核心能力模型(Competency Model),小智也是第一时间整理出来分享给大家,如果你希望在教练之路上持续精进,成为辅导教练或督导教练,一定不要错过。
ICF对辅导教练的定义是:辅导教练是一个协作学习的过程,在此过程中,教练根据被观察或记录的课程获得反馈,以支持他们根据ICF核心能力进一步发展自己独特的教练风格和教练技能。ICF对督导教练的定义是:督导教练是一个动态的、反思性的合作、指导和支持过程,通过这个过程教练发展他们的个人、专业和道德能力及成熟度。ICF辅导教练能力模型侧重于辅导教练所需的特定能力,以有效支持与ICF核心能力保持一致的教练技能的发展。辅导教练主要关注提高教练的熟练程度和技能发展,特别是为绩效评估和认证做准备。 ICF督导教练能力模型概述了指导教练进行反思、道德和发展过程的督导教练所需的能力。督导教练强调教练员的全面发展,关注教练员的“自我”、工作质量以及对更广泛的环境和系统的影响,而不仅仅是技能。*小智注:一句话概括辅导教练和督导教练的区别——辅导教练主要是辅导客户的教练能力(对标ICF八项核心能力),督导教练主要是辅导客户成为一个更好的教练(包括ICF八项核心能力,也包括教练状态和教练的未来发展) 1. 示范和促进道德实践 Models and Promotes Ethical Practice
Definition: Models ethical standards and encourages the mentor coaching client to do the same. 2. 建立和维护辅导教练协议 Establishes and Maintains Mentor Coaching Agreements
Definition: Partners with the mentor coaching client to create clear agreements about the mentor coaching relationship, process, plans, and goals. Establishes agreements for the overall mentor coaching engagement as well as those for each mentor coaching session. B. 过程管理 Process Management 3. 管理辅导教练过程 Manages the Mentor Coaching Process
Definition: Co-creates the learning environment, process and development plans to facilitate the mentor coaching process. C. 客户发展 Client Development 4. 进行形成性评估 Conducts Formative Appraisals
Definition: Evaluates the degree to which the mentor coaching client’s coaching aligns with ICF Core Competencies or the skill level required for a specific credential level.*小智注:“形成性评估”是指围绕客户在教练过程中展示的教练能力进行反馈,区别于“总结性评估”,后者是围绕客户的教练水平整体予以反馈。 5. 促进客户的技能发展 Facilitates Client’s Skill Development
Definition: Supports the mentor coaching client’s development of coaching skills and unique coaching style. D. 团队辅导 Group Mentor Coaching 6. 管理团队辅导教练 Manages Group Mentor Coaching
Definition: Effectively manages the group mentor coaching process.
Note: Relevant for mentor coaches who offer group mentor coaching services.*小智注:以上信息整理自ICF官网,原文地址:https://coachingfederation.org/credentials-and-standards/core-competencies/mentor-coaching同时,小智也帮大家下载好了辅导教练六项核心能力模型的具体解释和能力标准 PDF文档,你可以联系你的专属顾问获取,如果你还没有顾问对接也可以联系小智领取。
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1. 提供道德指导 Provides Ethical Guidance
Definition: Models ethical standards and encourages the coaching supervision client to do the same 2. 从事持续反思和自我关照 Engages in Ongoing Reflection and Self-Care
Definition: Engages in ongoing learning, development and self-care as a coaching supervisor, including maintaining an ongoing reflective practice to enhance one’s coaching supervision. B. 流程结构 Process Structure 3. 建立和更新合同 Establishes and Updates Contracts
Definition: Partners with the coaching supervision client to create contracts and revise them as necessary to support the coaching supervision process. 4. 管理督导过程 Manages the Supervision Process
Definition: Manages the supervision process and makes adjustments to meet stakeholder needs and increase effectiveness. C. 客户学习与反思 Client Learning and Reflection 5. 创造支持性环境 Creates a Supportive Environment
Definition: Creates an environment that supports the coaching supervision client personally and professionally. 6. 促进客户反思 Facilitates Client Reflection
Definition: Guides the coaching supervision client’s reflection on self, work, systems and contexts to develop personal and professional awareness and insight. 7. 引导客户发展 Guides Client Development
Definition: Supports the coaching supervision client’s personal and professional development. D. 团队督导 Group Supervision 8. 管理团队督导 Manages Group Supervision
Definition: Effectively manages the group supervision process.
Note: Relevant for coaching supervisors who offer group supervision services. *小智注:以上信息整理自ICF官网,原文地址:https://coachingfederation.org/credentials-and-standards/core-competencies/coaching-supervision
同时,小智也帮大家下载好了督导教练八项核心能力模型的具体解释和能力标准 PDF文档,你可以联系你的专属顾问获取,如果你还没有顾问对接也可以联系小智领取。
小智 18210370159